The Getting started Guide to Facebook Advertising
17/12/2014 09:15
Why Should you choose Facebook?
To reach and engage the target audience that matters to you among:
- 1,15 billion users
- 699 milion active users
- 469 milion mobile active users
Where Should you advertise on Facebook
- in the mobile newsfeed - only if your website is mobile friendly
- in the desktop newsfeed - measured click through rate is 20x higher than RHC, measured ROI is 26x more important than RHC
- in the right hand column
What kind of Ad best fits your purpose?
- Page like Ad - Text: 90 char. & Image size: 1200x450 px
- Page post link Ad - Text: 90 char., Link title: 25 char., Image size: 1200x627 px
How does Facebook Targeting work?
- Classic Targeting - target users by their demographics, gender, interests...
- Custom Audience - use your CRM database to target your customers on Facebook.
- Lookalike Audience - using your custom audience, Facebook algorithm match profiles, interests, demographics with users not presents in your database.
- Website Custom Audience - using Facebook upcoming feature or alternative Partners´ solutions, you can target people who has been visiting your website and performing certain actions.

About Author:

My name is Lissa Anderson I am a full time SEO consultant. I've been doing freelancing,web development,web designing & internet marketing stuff for more than 8 years. Now I am affiliate with one of the world’s largest online advertising company.
I´m offering SEO and SocialMedia Services here on my website too.