3.67% CTR On FB Ads and No Opt-In. Need Help...

08/01/2015 05:20

Hi guys,

I've tried list building with a single opt-in page website, a free report and access to a video in the seduction/ladies attraction niche.

I've launched a FB Ad to test the conversion rate and try to build a mailing list at the same time.
But what I experienced is exaclty the OPPOSITE of what I thought would happen...

- FB Ad: doing awesome, with a 3.67% CTR and 0.09$ per click to website, which is very good. (I ran a split test with 2 pictures and I stopped the other one which was "only" doing 2.6% CTR...)
- Opt-In Page: so far and after 53 visits, I've only had 0 opt-ins, which is UPSETING.

Who could help me with my opt in page ?

I'm ready to SHARE my ad, under certain conditions (like you don't display it on the same audience), if you help me with my opt-in page (advices, design...).

Looking forward to reading you guys.



There is couple things when advertising by facebook:

- niche reserach
- targeting
- image
- ad copy
- landing page

From that what I can see problem can be simply targeting. Can not say more without seeing ad copy, image and landing page so if you want to SHARE, you can prv me and will try to help more




You need to thinking about what kind of headlines and copy you should put on
your capture page. They always need to be in harmony...

It’s not easy to think like a person who is presented with this capture page deciding whether or not to
opt in.
You might have surprised yourself many times with the results certain capture page copy can produce.
Sometimes ugly squeeze pages convert better.
You would think no one would ever go for that, but people do.
There are certain underlying psychological drivers that drive every one of us.
And, based on those drivers, after a lot of research and testing here is a simple formula that has
emerged as a clear winner.
The benefit plus curiosity format always works well.



Landing Page and Sales Page


I have joined two MLS companies. I think they're both great company's that have the potential to make me a lot of money. My up line helped me create a landing page and a sales page. They look real nice. I'm told that the landing page conversion rate is 40% and the sales page is 3-5% conversion. However after collecting over 600 leads, I still have zero sales. What am I doing wrong?

Any help would be great! I have collected leads from facebook, youtube, and have purchased some.
When you say MLS do you mean MLM? And if you have over 600 leads the problem won't be on the landing page but on the sales page. Or the consistency of the message. You need consistent messaging from the: Ad ----> Landing Page ----> Sales Page -----> Product to have good conversions.

Also, I'd ask your uplink where he is getting traffic to get numbers like those and look to duplicate that.

#1 Un-targeted or poorly targeted traffic.

#2 Listening to people who say you can get the same results they do.

#3 Not building your own business but some one else's.

Could be a million other things.
The first landing page frankly looks cheesy to me (printing money in the background - seriously?). Do such dreamy stuff still sell, especially those attached to "pauper to King transition stories" and then the king giving away his kingdom for a measly $18 or something like that? Even the hardcore scam products have better landing pages...but, maybe that's just me and I don't intend to insult anyone.

If I were a subscriber I would never want to sign up on that page. Again, no insult intended.

As far as sales (or no sales as is the case here) are concerned, I think there's something seriously wrong with the ad copies. The traffic sources you mentioned are pretty much standard, but if your ad copies are not consistent with what your subscribers get after subscribing you wouldn't make sales.

Also, I think for such get rich quick schemes it takes a lot of explaining to do before someone actually pays up. People have decided not to be stupid any more and that makes your job even more difficult. Your creatives and swipes need to be really top quality to make turn your subscribers into paying customers.