Get more conversions by adopting SSL

08/01/2015 08:26

Recently GOOGLE announced that it has made SSL a ranking signal. So simply moving over your site to https can bring in more traffic.

On the psychological side, ssl throughout conveys a consistent experience to a shopper and increases confidence when buying. So this tweak can bring in more conversions.

In the eCommerce industry where people strive for an improvement of even 1%, this can be a deal breaker.

There's a lot more covered here An In-Depth Guide to Google SSL Security & SEO



There are a few ways of doing this. calling your host service provider is usually a good place to start. I get this done for free with mine - its free, but I am not sure if it is an offer given to me due to my volume and account type or not, so better to just call and ask. 

In regards to "Setting it up" they will usually do this for you as well. 



I'm new round here - wanted some help



Here are some pointers that may help:

1. "Reverse print" (white against black background) is very difficult to read
so you should change this.

2. Your headline and the first bullet point are the same, why not make them different
since you only have 3 bullet points.

3. You are in a very competitive niche so you have to be DIFFERENT and use a
lot of curiosity for your bullet point. This means that you have to be more
SPECIFIC than saying "free content each week". What is this content about?
How can it help your prospect?

4. Use benefit-laden words: "Free pdf" is not a benefit.

-Ray Edwards




First off.. have to agree loose the black background it has been proven time and again that white backgrounds work the best. The actual layout of the page.. that gap at the top of the page, loose it. your top line of text should be 70 to 80px off the Top.

I think you are a bit confused with what you are offering with what you will be providing. You are offering a "Free PDF" that is going to tell me the secret to losing belly fat. You are NOT offering a weekly e-mail, that is what is given in exchange for what is being offered; the FREE PDF. 

Your bullet points should reference the OFFER only. What will the learn in this PDF. bang 1 2 3 some quick clues. Give us your e-mail and you will have all the answers in minutes.

Hope that Helps!